Hello Genius...

I'm Karin Pinter. Author, artist, creator of Niki Owl and the host of a podcast called A Touch of Genius.

I use words, art and personal development to help people confidently meet their dreams.

I'm happy to see you here.

Karin Pinter & Niki Owl

A Touch of Genius Podcast

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been deeply curious about what makes us who we are as human beings, what we are capable of and how we develop our sense of belonging. 

My journey to understand this has led me across various countries and continents, where I discovered that many people don’t believe in their own brilliance, so I thought I’d create this podcast for us to explore our personal Genius together.

A Touch of Genius Podcast by Karin Pinter

Ignite Your Personal Genius

We all contain that powerful, sacred energy to create life with. Yet so many people forget this and walk through life with grey clouds lingering over them, thinking life happens to them, not for them. Do you ever feel this way?

What if you put some colour back into your life and chose to live your True North? Discover how to rescue your inner child, connect the powerful dots of creativity within your heart and mind, and set your hidden gifts free so you can move confidently in the direction of your dreams.


One of my first loves, besides reading, was writing stories. Then came drawing. It was only natural for me to “marry” the two and end up creating illustrated books. The first of these include my cartoon character Niki Owl, Messenger of Love, Joy and Imagination.

However, my love for books goes beyond simply writing them. I love designing books and collaborating with other artists and writers to help bring to life their creations.


Art has played an important part of my personal (and professional) evolution, inspired by “the greats” such as Da Vinci, Picasso and Seurat. I love posing the question, “How does art transform us as people, and as a collective society?”

It’s through illustrations, engravings and mixed techniques that I feel I can express certain observations and life experiences.

The Window © 2023 Karin Pinter
Music for a while - RELAVERSO, Carrtografía del ánimo © Karin Pinter