What’s Your Happy Place?

Hello Genius,

You may have heard people talk about their “Happy Place” and I’d like to you think about what yours is for a moment. This is important as it affects everything you do.

By this, I mean your internal Happy Place, that special place where you give attention to the things that feel good to you. The things that make your world meaningful and empower you to live fully.

Your Happy Place is where you feel absolutely free and at home within. It typically involves some activity you do by yourself that is fueled by inspiration. It gives purpose and meaning to what you share of yourself with the rest of your world (including what you create, if your Happy Place means creating things like mine does for me).

My Happy Place is making niki owl and writing. By enjoying time in my Happy Place, I’m more centered and present with those around me – friends, partner, passersby, clients and co-creators.

Our Happy Place is where Genius happens best. Where our best ideas, best creations, best innovations, and best relationships are born and nourished.

You notice quickly when you’re not tending to your Happy Place, because relationships, work, creativity, finances, and your sense of being go wonky (and you can feel it clearly). The default mode is often a panicked knee-jerk reaction to get on track, and that’s tiring, isn’t it?

Just as watering plants regularly makes them grow happily, life is a much brighter place when you regularly take care of You in your Happy Place. I know this for a personal fact, and from talking to others about what makes them come alive and sustain their joy.

To quote one of the world’s most appreciated luminaries of owl time:

“The sun is wherever you want it to be.” (tweet this)

Where does the sun shine within You? And more importantly, what are you willing to do to BE in your Happy Place more?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

(niki owl’s Happy Place is basking in joy and being an Ambassador of Good Will & Celebration… in the photo above you can see him embody this as he greets customers at our favourite espresso bar near Denver).

Celebrating your Happy Place,