My Biggest Leap of Faith & What I’ve Learned So Far

Some anniversaries are quickly forgotten. Others are meant to be honoured because of the power they hold as reminders of how far we’ve come when we didn’t think we could do something.

This boarding pass marks the anniversary of my biggest leap of faith, which I took on this day in 2008. It’s important for me to pay tribute to it every year, because it put me fully on course with my dreams, my desires, and my purpose.


Part of the journey, like any flight, has had clouds and moments of turbulence. For the most part it has been filled with pure awe, delight, curiosity, new perspectives and more love than I could have imagined that day I set foot on the plane in Malaga, on my way to London, destination Vancouver. Two suitcases, a guitar, a handful of drum sticks, and a heart full of wonder and excitement.

A new world opened up for me, which was really a reflection of me opening up to the world.

Some of the golden nuggets I’ve collected so far:

Home is a state of being, not a place (although having one that reflects our state of being is a wonderful thing).

Courage comes from being fully invested in what makes your heart open wide. People have often told me how strong and courageous I am for leaving what I knew for something new and arriving there by myself, several times (they seem to remind me most when I have felt it the least). You can do it too.

Resilience requires release. Release of fear, of anxiety, of the things we learned growing up that no longer serve us now, and obscured our vision of ourselves. You gain so much by lightening the emotional baggage.

Faith fuels clarity and vision. We never know who will stay the course with us, or for how long. Letting go of certain people may shake us to the core at times. The key is for you to stay the course for yourself.

Trust your intuition and change your course as it feels best for you. You’re not letting anybody down by doing so. People who really care for your well being will understand, and they will help you get there. You will also encounter mind-blowing generosity from strangers and people you didn’t realise care that much about you.

Vulnerability shows us how strong we really are, especially when faced with adversity. It also shows us who we can share our biggest dreams and deepest concerns with, acting as the emotional gauge for our support network.

Create anew no matter where you are. Every place, every person is a reflection of what you’ve been inviting into your life. If it doesn’t feel right, give yourself the opportunity to understand what you’ve been inviting, change whatever needs to be changed, and do it lovingly. Remember change stems from how you think.

Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
– Mark Twain

For all of you who I have met, whether briefly or we’re actively “travelling together”, you are cherished. No matter how seemingly small or random our connection may appear to you, it is great in my mind. You have impacted me in so many ways, and I can only hope that my presence in your life offers you some form of inspiration also.

May you believe you can do that thing you want to do, and do it.

May your greatest dreams come true in this lifetime, because that’s what we’re here for.

And may you keep taking leaps of faith.